Thursday, March 17, 2016

Tom and Huck

Spring is coming, and everything is starting to change and wake up after winter the way it always does. The winds are warming up and soon leaves and flowers will start to bud on all the trees. I don't often have the time to just stop and catch my breath and enjoy all the changes and the beauty outside, but today I did. When I was doing this I noticed how little I think of the fact that it was exactly one year since I had stood on my steps looking out in anticipation of spring. And in that one short year me and my family have changed so much. My brothers especially.
Asher, my second youngest brother is reading The Adventures of Tom Sawyer now and he loves it. He came to me the other day and brought to my attention the similarities between him and my youngest brother, and Tom and Huck. I realized how well written those characters were and how they were perfect examples of young boys and their inclinations toward mischief and adventure. I thought it was fascinating how he drew that connection and I started to think about how authors will model their characters to be someone the reader can identify with. Mark Twain did this very well and my brother thought so as well. I thought that this was interesting to think about and thought that the timing was pretty good seeing as how we had The Adventures of Huck Finn in one of our Pods.

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